Management of cervico-thoracic dysfunction
Manual and exercise therapy approach.
One clinical day workshop
4June, 2024
Prof. Paolo Sanzo
Physiotherapist, Clinical Specialist (Musculoskeletal)
Assistant Dean, Faculty of Health and Behavioral Sciences, Lakehead University. Canada
Associate Professor, School of Kinesiology, Lakehead University.
Associate Professor, Northern Ontario School of Medicine University. Canada
Lecturer, Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. Canada
Paolo is Vice President, IFOMPT Executive Committee
Dr.Mohamad Aldoliefy
Primephysio accredited senior tutor
Founding member. OMTA UK
Certified Dry Needling Practitioner. CPD Health. Australia
Certified Medical taping practitioner. Tape concept. Netherlands
Certified Mulligan practitioner. MCTA New Zealand
Kinetic Control Movement therapist. Comera Movement Sciences. UK.
McKenzie trained, McKenzie Institute New Zealand
Maitland trained, IMTA. Switzerland.
Topics to be discussed:
A- Management of Thoracic outlet syndrome
B- Criteria & application of cervical spine and thoracic spine manipulation
A- Management of Thoracic outlet syndrome
In these 4 hours, Prof Paolo will discuss and demonstrate the principles of screening red flags, assessment strategies, and manual and exercise therapy for thoracic outlet syndrome. The session will include practical demonstrations and case studies.
Differential diagnosis
Is it really TOS or something else (Red flags)
How can we confirm the diagnosis? Testing
Treatment strategies
Does manual therapy have a role. Clinical application
Neuro dynamics
Exercise therapy.
Education strategies
B- Criteria & application of cervical spine and thoracic spine manipulation
In this session Dr Mohamed Aldolify will explore the criteria for cervical and thoracic manipulation with emphasis on clinical reasoning strategies and safe application.
Principles of manipulation techniques.
Indications on safe and comfortable use of manipulations.
Mechanisms of action for manipulations & the Evidence behind.
Pathology Contraindications and red flags.