Hand and Elbow Certificate


15-16 Nov, 2023
This program is designed to cover therapeutic strategies for various hand and elbow lesions. This course is open to physiotherapists and occupational therapists.

Manual and Exercise Therapy for the Upper Quadrant


2-3 Dec, 2023
A workshop aiming to enhance your knowledge and skills in reasoning, manual therapy, and exercise therapy for the management of cervical spine problems.

All About the Cervical & Thoracic Spine


2 Dec, 2023
A workshop aiming to enhance your knowledge and skills in reasoning, manual therapy, and exercise therapy for the management of Cx/Tx problems.

All About the shoulder Joint


3 Dec, 2023
A workshop that aims to deepen your understanding and skills in managing shoulder-related conditions, including cervical spine cases.

Dry Needling Certificate Program


2-3 Dec, 2023
Dry needling is a technique that physical therapists use to treat musculoskeletal pain and movement issues. It’s almost always used as part of a larger pain management plan that could include exercise, stretching, massage, and other techniques. During this treatment, a provider inserts thin, sharp needles through your skin to treat underlying myofascial trigger points.

Vestibular Rehabilitation Certificate
Basic & Advanced Levels


9-10 Dec, 2023
This course offers both basic and advanced levels, allowing participants to enhance their skills and knowledge in vestibular rehabilitation.

Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)
Reasoning & Techniques


6 Jan, 2024
Designed to enhance your skills in utilizing instrument-assisted techniques for soft tissue mobilization.

Dynamic Cupping Therapy Course


7 Jan, 2024
Gain the essential skills to safely apply variant cupping techniques tailored to specific clinical situations. This course provides guided hands-on demonstrations, ensuring you master the skill of dynamic cupping.

Neurological Rehabilitation Certificate Program


Through this program, you will learn the proper handling and management of the upper and the lower quadrants of adults with neurological disorders through different motor control and biomechanical strategies.
9-11 Feb, 2024

Solutions to Gait Problems in Stroke Patient Rehabilitation


9 Feb, 2024
Explore personal and environmental factors impacting gait efficiency, balance impairments, biomechanics of walking, and sensory-motor integration for effective gait treatment.

Neurodevelopmental Therapy Foundation Pediatric Course


Stay Tunned
This is a modular course and is based on the curriculum suggested by the European Bobath Tutors Association (EBTA) together with input from the Australian Bobath Neurodevelopmental Therapy Association (ABNDTA).

The Bobath Concept
Assessment and Treatment of Adults with Neurological Conditions (Basic)


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The Bobath Concept is a problem-solving approach used in the evaluation and treatment of individuals with movement and postural control disturbances due to a lesion of the central nervous system.

Kinetic Control


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Kinetic Control is world-class education, consultancy, training, and set of products in movement control for physiotherapists and professionals working in the sport, health, rehabilitation, and exercise & fitness industries.

MDT ( Mckenzie concept )


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The McKenzie Method® of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy® (MDT) is an internationally researched and acclaimed system of assessment and management for spinal and extremity musculoskeletal disorders developed by New Zealand Physiotherapist Robin McKenzie. It has been widely used all over the world for more than 60 years.

Assessment, Triage, and Physiotherapy Management for Patients with Headaches


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This course is designed to enhance your understanding and skills in evaluating and managing patients with primary and secondary headaches.

Women's Pelvic Floor HealthProgram


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8 Face to face teaching Days with a mandatory online module Through this diploma, the participants will take in depth overview of the pelvic anatomy , function and dysfunction with specific focus on pelvic floor dysfunction and female urinary dysfunction , in addition to focus on different chronic pelvic pain , physical therapy role in ante- natal and post- natal in addition to lower bowel dysfunction

Orthopaedic Manual Therapy Certificate.


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The official program of OMTA is the Orthopaedic Manual Therapy Certificate (OMTC). This reputable program started in 2013 and has been organized hundreds of times in the following countries: UK, UAE, Egypt, KSA, Qatar, Sudan, Pakistan, Malta, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, and Turkey. Over 10,000 physiotherapists have attended the program so far.

Soft Tissue Management: An Integrated Approach


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Soft tissue dysfunctions known to be one of the patient major problems that need a highly practical skill to be managed. The aim of this program is to develop high level of reasoning and practical skills to assess and treat wide level of soft tissue dysfunction with hands on techniques application

Pilates in Rehabilitation
Pilates for rehab is showing up more and more in physiotherapy clinics and hospitals worldwide.
The growing evidence have been showing that Pilates is effective for rehabilitation; it can reduce pain and disability. It can be modified to non-weight-bearing or add load depending on the injury, weakness, or pain. Overall, Pilates can give you the qualifications to start the rehabilitation journey with wide variety of patients as a safe and progressive method on the journey of rehabilitation.


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Spinal & Peripheral Manipulation Course


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Manipulation as a treatment is now considered as an entity and a tool of its own rather than an upgrade of mobilization for spinal and peripheral joints problems, when to use, when not to use, why and how.

Clinical Taping: Reasoning & Techniques


All About the Temporomandibular Joint


Designed to enhance your understanding and practical skills in assessing and managing patients with temporomandibular and associated cervical spine mechanical-related problems.
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Sports Physiotherapy Rehab. Certificate


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This program is designed for physiotherapists who aim to gain more knowledge and hands-on skills in managing sports-related conditions in clinical and sports field environments.

All About the Lumbo-Pelvic Region


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A workshop aiming to enhance your knowledge and skills in reasoning, manual therapy, and exercise therapy for the management of lumbopelvic problems.

All About the Ankle Joint


Stay Tunned
A workshop aiming to enhance your knowledge and skills in reasoning, manual therapy, and exercise therapy for the management of ankle joint problems.

All About the Knee Joint


Stay Tunned
A workshop aiming to enhance your knowledge and skills in reasoning, manual therapy, and exercise therapy for the management of knee joint problems.