Advanced Spinal Musculoskeletal Management: An Integrated Approach
Prof. Paolo Sanzo
Physiotherapist, Clinical Specialist (Musculoskeletal)
Assistant Dean, Faculty of Health and Behavioral Sciences, Lakehead University. Canada
Associate Professor, School of Kinesiology, Lakehead University.
Associate Professor, Northern Ontario School of Medicine University. Canada
Lecturer, Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. Canada
Paolo is Vice President, IFOMPT Executive Committee
Day 1:
Advanced Spinal Musculoskeletal Management: Cervical and Thoracic Spine
Learning Outcomes:
These course outcomes will help physiotherapists acquire the necessary advanced skills and knowledge to excel in assessing and treating upper extremity and cervical spine and thoracic spine problems.
Develop advanced assessment and clinical reasoning skills in identifying and then determining the interface of the articular, myofascial, or neurological signs and symptoms.
Participants will develop advanced assessment skills in determining the location and prospective source of the dysfunction in the cervical and thoracic spinal or peripheral joints, myofascial, or nerve and rule in/out more serious pathology.
Demonstrate proficiency in surface anatomy and conducting length-tension assessments.
Participants will be able to accurately locate and palpate different structures and perform length-tension assessments for the scalenes, levator scapular, and upper trapezius muscles, identifying muscle imbalances and restrictions.
Analyze and interpret assessment findings.
Participants will be able to interpret the assessment results to determine the specific joint, nerves, or muscle groups and structures affected, the presence of abnormal pathomechanics, or increased tone versus shortening, allowing for precise diagnosis and treatment planning.
Develop patient centred and evidence informed treatment plans.
Participants will be capable of designing individualized treatment plans that address the identified upper extremity problems, incorporating education, soft tissue release, stretching, strengthening, neural mobilizations, and manual therapy techniques, when appropriate.
Integrate evidence-informed clinical reasoning techniques into assessment and treatment decision making process as learned through case-based learning.
Participants will be able to integrate the latest research and evidence-based practices into their clinical reasoning, assessment, and treatment strategies, ensuring the most effective and up-to-date care for patients.
Monitor progress, modify, progress, and adjust treatment based upon the changes seen.
Participant will be skilled in tracking patient progress, adjusting treatment plans as necessary, and effectively communicating with patients to optimize their rehabilitation and recovery.
Day 2:
Advanced Spinal Musculoskeletal Management: Lumbar Spine
Learning Outcomes:
These course outcomes will help physiotherapists acquire the necessary advanced skills and knowledge to excel in assessing and treating upper extremity and cervical spine and thoracic spine problems.
Develop advanced assessment and clinical reasoning skills in identifying and then the determining the interface of the articular, myofascial, or neurological signs and symptoms.
Participants will develop advanced assessment skills in determining the location and prospective source of the dysfunction in the lumbar or sacral spinal or peripheral joints, myofascial, or nerve and rule in/out more serious pathology.
Demonstrate proficiency in surface anatomy and conducting length-tension assessments.
Participants will be able to accurately locate and palpate different structures and perform length-tension assessments for the iliopsoas (iliacus, psoas minor, or psoas major), tensor fascia latae, rectus femoris, hamstring, piriformis, gluteal, and hip external rotator muscles, identifying muscle imbalances and restrictions.
Analyze and interpret assessment findings.
Participants will be able to interpret the assessment results to determine the specific joint, nerves, or muscle groups and structures affected related to the anterior or posterior leg complaints, the presence of abnormal pathomechanics, or increased tone versus shortening, and allowing for precise diagnosis and treatment planning.
Develop patient centred and evidence informed treatment plans.
Participants will be capable of designing individualized treatment plans that address the identified lumbopelvic, hip, or lower extremity problems, incorporating education, soft tissue release, stretching, strengthening, neural mobilizations, and manual therapy techniques, when appropriate.
Integrate evidence-informed clinical reasoning techniques into assessment and treatment decision making process as learned through case-based learning.
Participants will be able to integrate the latest research and evidence-based practices into their clinical reasoning, assessment, and treatment strategies, ensuring the most effective and up-to-date care for patients complaining of either anterior or posterior leg symptoms.
Monitor progress, modify, progress, and adjust treatment based upon the changes seen.
Participant will be skilled in tracking patient progress, adjusting treatment plans as necessary, and effectively communicating with patients to optimize their rehabilitation and recovery.
Fee for OMTC holder
Individual registration: 900 AED
Group registration: Contact the office through WhatsApp
Fee for Non-OMTC holder
Individual registration: 1200 AED
Group registration: contact the office through WhatsApp
Registration Process-
1.Fee Submission:
Please note that you may either pay the full fee in one go to attend this course or make an initial down payment of AED 1,000 to book your seat (Non-OMTC holder). In the latter case, the remainder of the payment is to be fulfilled before the course starts or in paid cash on the course day.
** For group registrations, contact us on WhatsApp at +971502051448.
A. Full Payment:
900 AED
1200 AED
B. Initial Down-payment (applicable to courses costing more than AED 1,000):
**If paying via card is not a viable option, please note that you may also transfer the fee to this bank account.
Once this is completed, please take a photo/ screenshot of the proof of payment.
2. Registration Form:
Once the above has been fulfilled, please fill out this registration form, and attach the proof of payment to it. No seat booking will be confirmed in case the proof of payment is not attached.
3. Proof of Payment:
Once done, please send the proof of payment via email or via WhatsApp