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Clinical Dry Needling
Certificate Program
23-24-25 Oct, 2024

What is dry needling ?

Dry needling is a technique that physical therapists use to treat musculoskeletal pain and movement issues. It’s almost always used as part of a larger pain management plan that could include exercise, stretching, massage, and other techniques. During this treatment, a provider inserts thin, sharp needles through your skin to treat underlying myofascial trigger points.

Clinical Dry Needling: A Commentary

Course objectives:

  1. Introduce the History of DN (Dry Needling).​

  2. Understand the efficacy of DN in the treatment of MTrPs.

  3. Understand the difference between DN & Acupuncture therapy.

  4. Summarize the current literature regarding the efficacy and treatment rationale for DN.

  5. Revise the distance learning materials (common MTrPs referral pattern - the surface anatomy the body caution area and danger body zones).

  6. Explain the indication, contraindication, and proper integration of DN treatment into clinical sitting.

  7. Understand the general considerations for the safe and efficient application of DN.

  8. Introduce the potential adverse reactions and discuss the recommended procedure to manage it.

  9. discuss the practitioner preparation tips and their importance before Needling.

  10. Understand the Measurements, Direction, and intensity scale in DN practice.

  11. Application of DN for the upper limb, lower limb& back muscles.

  12. Discuss different case studies/mini-scenarios for common muscle pain/MSK problems and proper integration of DN as an effective tool in the treatment plan.

One of our enthusiastic participants demonstrating a dry needling skill he learned during the course.

What do we provide?

We guarantee the safest dry needling technique practice by identifying the anatomical landmarks & danger zones under supervision

We focus on that each participant at the end of the course will be able to identify trigger points and how to needle each muscle with respect to cautions, and anatomical landmarks ( including upper extremity, lower extremity, trunk & face ) & this will guide you to how to manage many musculoskeletal problems: TMJ problems, neck problems, headaches, hip pain, planter fascitis, etc. )
You also will be able to help tendinopathy patients with tendon dry needling techniques : (Achilles tendinopathy , supraspinatus tendinopathy & patellar tendinopathy )


Mahmoud Saad


Hayat Mostafa


Topics to be covered:

By the end of this program, successful applicants will be able to:

  1. Apply dry needling to a variety of musculoskeletal and sports conditions safely and effectively.

  2. Integrate Dry Needling into clinical practice for a reason.

  3. Understand the theory and research background that support the selection and application of dry needling techniques.

  4. Apply 60 Needling technique for upper and lower limbs, spine, hand, face, and foot (muscles - tendons - periosteal picking superficial needling for central sensitivity, scars, trigger points referral areas)

The program includes

  • Distance learning material

  • Two days of face-to-face, practice-based learning.

  • Final formative practical assessment.

  • Certificate of attendance & achievement by Primephysio Training, UK.

This course is for

  • Physiotherapists (graduates, students, and interns).

  • Allied health professionals with extensive anatomy knowledge.


Early Bird Registrations (Before 20 September  2024)

*Early bird seat is only confirmed after you submit the deposit  (2000 TL )

  • Individual registration:  4700 TL (140 USD)

Late Registration

  • Individual registration: 5000 TL (150 USD)

  • Group Registration (3+): 4500 TL ( 135 USD)

  • Group Registration (5+): 4300 TL ( 130 USD)

For registration

-Fill the attached online form, Click here.

-Submit the course fee:

Via bank transfer to the following bank account within Turkey :


  • TR71 0020 3000 0985 0465 0000 01


-Send a proof of payment (screenshot of payment receipt) to 

-You will receive confirmation within 24 hours

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