Spinal and Peripheral Manipulation Certificate


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Manipulation as a treatment is now considered as an entity and a tool of its own rather than an upgrade of mobilization for spinal and peripheral joints problems, when to use, when not to use, why and how.

Over 5 Countries

700+ Already


Tameem Mohamed
Musculoskeletal Physical Therapist & Osteopathy UK.
Member of GOsC, CSP, HCPC, iO, Fsem UK.
Dr. Tameem is a Musculoskeletal Physical therapist and an osteopath practising in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He trained and practiced Osteopathy and Physiotherapy in United Kingdom. Lecturer in osteopathy. He Has Bachelor in Physical therapy Egypt, Diploma in Musculoskeletal Medicine Royal College of Surgeons UK, Master in Osteopathy Greenwich University UK.

Topics to be covered:
Principles of manipulation techniques.
Indications on safe and comfortable use of manipulations.
Mechanisms of action for manipulations & the Evidence behind.
Pathology Contraindications and red flags.
Hands-on examination and assessment for restricted region.
Review of anatomy and mechanics for practical region.
Body mechanics when applying manipulation techniques.
Practice on integration manipulation into clinical practice.
Different ways to do manipulation for spinal and peripheral joints and regions.

Practical Manipulation for:
Cervical spine and Ribs.
Thoracic Spine.
Lumbo-pelvic region.
Upper and lower extremities manipulation for common disorder.
The course aims to assess patients prior to manipulation techniques, practice thrust techniques, and identify contraindications to these techniques.
For Physiotherapists
Internship Students
Participant Feedback
For inquiries & booking please contact primephysio organizer in KSA