Asmaa Mostafa AbdElkader

BSc in physiotherapy from Cairo University, Egypt in 2013
Master degree in physiotherapy from Cairo University, Egypt in 2021
PHD candidate, faculty of physiotherapy, Cairo University, Egypt in 2022
Certified Manual Therapist. OMTA UK
Certified Dry Needling Practitioner.CPD Health. Australia
Certified Medical taping practitioner. Kinesio Taping Association. USA
Certified Mulligan practitioner. MCTA Newzeland
Kinetic Control Movement therapist. Comera Movement Sciences. UK
Professional diploma in weight management & sport nutrition. National Nutrition Institute
Asmaa get her BSc in physiotherapy from Cairo University, Egypt in 2013. Worked as MSK and intensive care physiotherapist for more than 8 years. Asmaa started her journey with Primephysio since 2015, since then she shadowed. Many tutors in orthopedic manual therapy, Bobath, sport physical therapy and cardiopulmonary rehabilitation. Assist in many OMTC programs, teaches many intensive care physiotherapy courses and dry needling programs nationally and internationally. She is a broad member of orthopedic manual therapy academy and Primephysio dry needling institute and a part of curriculum development team. She is a part of the organization committee of the Middle East manual therapy Congress organized every year by orthopedic manual therapy academy
Clinical experience:
Senior physiotherapist at Al Kasr Al-Aini medical school. (2015- now )
Senior physiotherapist , Primephysio clinics ( 2019 – now ).
Senior physiotherapist and clinical nutrition specialist , physio lounge clinics ( 2021 – now )
Senior physical therapist and internship student trainer and supervisor at Cairo university hospitals.
Primephysio accredited tutor
Dry needling certification (Egypt - Jordon - Pakistan – Emirates).
Soft tissue integrated management (Egypt – Pakistan – Sudan).
Fundamentals of physical therapy in ICU ( Egypt – Sudan ).