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All-About Series

This is a recurrent educational series aiming to deepen clinicians' knowledge of rather complex musculoskeletal structures and regions. This series is perfect for physical therapists who deal with patients/clients with common MSK injuries involving these regions, aiming to touch base on the 101s clinical reasoning, screening, and rehabilitation. These workshops are also perfect for physiotherapy students working on their understanding of clinical reasoning, diagnostic strategies and algorithms, and treatment strategies that are equally simple and evidence-based. These workshops may be taken individually or as a series.

All About the Cervical Spine

A workshop aiming to enhance your knowledge and skills in reasoning, manual therapy, and exercise therapy for the management of cervical problems.


All About the Temporomandibular Joint


Designed to enhance your understanding and practical skills in assessing and managing patients with temporomandibular and associated cervical spine mechanical-related problems.

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All About the Shoulder Complex

A workshop that aims to deepen your understanding and skills in managing shoulder-related conditions, including cervical spine cases. 

All About the Lumbo-Pelvic Region

A workshop aiming to enhance your knowledge and skills in reasoning, manual therapy, and exercise therapy for the management of lumbopelvic problems.


All About the hip joint

A workshop designed to provide clinicians with an in-depth understanding of hip-related conditions and advanced assessment and treatment strategies. This course emphasizes differential diagnosis, clinical reasoning, and evidence-based practices

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All About the knee joint

A workshop designed to provide clinicians with an in-depth understanding of knee-related conditions and advanced assessment and treatment strategies. This course emphasizes differential diagnosis, clinical reasoning, and evidence-based practices

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All About the Ankle Joint

A workshop designed to provide clinicians with an in-depth understanding of knee-related conditions and advanced assessment and treatment strategies. This course emphasizes differential diagnosis, clinical reasoning, and evidence-based practices

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