Clinical Practice Guidelines Linked to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health From the Orthopaedic Section of the American Physical Therapy Association. Non arthritic Hip Joint Pain:
INTERVENTION – PATIENT EDUCATION AND COUNSELING: Clinicians may utilize patient education and counseling for modifying aggravating factors and managing pain associated with the non arthritic hip joint. (Recommendation based on expert opinion.) INTERVENTION – MANUAL THERAPY: In the absence of contraindications, joint mobilization procedures may be indicated when capsular restrictions are suspected to impair hip mobility, and soft tissue mobilization procedures may be indicated when muscles and their related fascia are suspected to impair hip mobility. (Recommendation based on expert opinion.) INTERVENTION – THERAPEUTIC EXERCISES AND ACTIVITIES: Clinicians may utilize therapeutic exercises and activities to address joint mobility, muscle flexibility, muscle strength, muscle power deficits, deconditioning, and metabolic disorders identified during the physical examination of patients with non arthritic hip joint pain. (Recommendation based on expert opinion.) INTERVENTION – NEUROMUSCULAR RE-EDUCATION: Clinicians may utilize neuromuscular re-education procedures to diminish movement coordination impairments identified in patients with non arthritic hip joint pain. (Recommendation based on expert opinion.)
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